Reverse mortgage – Income advantage

Chip – Reverse Mortgage – Income Advantage

On a reverse mortgage, interests paid are tax-deductible and lower than the increase of the equity of your home

Chip Reverse MortgageChip – Reverse mortgage

A reverse mortgage is a loan secured against the value of your home. Unlike a loan or a regular mortgage, with CHIP you are not required to make payments. You only repay the loan when you move or sell your home.

  • Pay off debts
  • Renovate or make your home more accessible
  • Handle unexpected expenses
  • Help your children or grandchildren
  • Improve your day-to-day living standard
  • Make a special trip or purchase

Income Advantage MortgageIncome advantage

Income Advantage from HomEquity Bank is a loan secured against the value of your home.
It lets you convert part of your home equity into cash — without requiring you to sell or move.

  • Provide you with additional income;
  • Preserve your investment portfolio longer;
  • Lower your tax liability long-term

If you are both 55+ you should not struggle anymore and do what other people have done like:

  • Home improvements or renovations to the house you long have lived in
  • Get a retirement villa to live peaceful moments in your own way.
  • Improve your portfolio and earn higher dividends

Learn more about your next reverse mortgage

Interests paid are tax-deductible and lower than the increase of the equity of your home, you only have a win-win decision to make